UM AAUP-Alliance


The University of Miami AAUP–University Employee Alliance is an independent advocacy chapter of the
American Association of University Professors.

We are an organization of teachers, scholars, scientists, doctors, lawyers, librarians, administrators, nurses, staffers, artists, and graduate students dedicated to advancing public scholarship, civic participation, and political action for a more just community.

Opinions listed here are our own.

Eight people icons in a cluster, black


We work to support our UM colleagues and co-workers at every employee level with the interests of shared governance, academic freedom, equity, and inclusion.

Six people icons in a line with speech bubbles, black


We share and co-create new knowledge in the interest of  more just and engaged communities in South Florida and beyond.

Black check mark


We support electoral and community engagement on progressive ideals at local, state, and national levels.

Join or Renew Today!